Know Your Risk

When it comes to breast screening, many people would believe it is one size fits all.  However, at The Breast Center at Midland Health we believe in personalized care. There are certain factors that remain true; every woman should start getting her mammogram at age 40 and obtain a mammogram every year for as long as she is physically able. By doing this, she cuts by 40 percent her risk of dying from breast cancer. We also advocate that all women with dense breasts should have a screening ultrasound each year in addition to her mammogram, so that undetected cancers cannot hide in the dense tissue.

There are additional factors that result in variations in breast screening for certain patients. One of these factors is a woman’s lifetime risk for breast cancer. Certain risk factors can increase a woman’s chance of developing breast cancer. Being at increased risk does not mean one will develop cancer, but there may be a need to start breast cancer screening at an earlier age, get additional testing or be tested more often.

Generally, women who have a first-degree relative (mother, sister or daughter), multiple second- or third-degree relatives (grandparent, aunt or cousin), or those who were diagnosed with breast cancer under the age of 50, are considered at increased risk of developing the disease.

In addition, your chance for developing the disease increases if you have one or more of these breast cancer risk factors:

--family history of breast or ovarian cancer

--breast cancer in a male relative

--genetic testing indicating a mutation in certain genes (BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes)

--pre-cancerous breast biopsy

--dense breast tissue

--chest radiation as a treatment for cancer under age 30

Additional risk factors include:

--age of your first period (starting at age 11 or before)

--age of menopause (starting menopause after age 55)

--use of estrogen-containing drugs

--lifestyle behaviors and habits (weight, exercise, alcohol consumption)

If a woman is under 40 and has any of these risk factors, it is a very good idea for her to talk to her medical provider so that her lifetime risk can be assessed. From there, it can be determined whether she qualifies for breast screening before the age of 40.

At the Breast Center at Midland Health we calculate a risk score for every patient who comes into our center for her mammogram or ultrasound. If she is found to be at an intermediate or high lifetime risk, she and her practitioner are notified of the recommendations for her risk score. This aids in keeping a close eye on those who are at an increased risk for breast cancer.

At the Breast Center, we are always striving to stay on the cutting edge of breast care.  Assessing a patient’s lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is the latest trend in giving the most comprehensive, personalized care. Because after all, at The Breast Center at Midland Health, every patient is a VIP.

Jenifer Dumire is a nurse navigator at The Breast Center.


The Breast Center at Midland Health is hosting West Texas Breast Symposium for medical providers who are interested in learning about managing patients’ breast care. The event is planned for Oct. 19.

For more information, call Charliss Rodgers at 221-3220.

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