Brandi McDonald, DNP, RN, CMSRN, PCCN, NEA-BC

All Blogs by Brandi McDonald, DNP, RN, CMSRN, PCCN, NEA-BC

  • The Gift Of Life Through Donation 

    The Gift Of Life Through Donation


    As we move into the month of April, it’s hard not to think about the value of time and its transient nature as each year of our lives continues. It feels like we just finished celebrating the winter holidays and time is already mo...

  • 68Nurse:  More than Telephone Triage 

    68Nurse: More than Telephone Triage


    The 68Nurse call service went live on July 6, 2009, and this week the call center will be celebrating 14 years of service to the community.   The 68Nurse team consists of Registered Nurses located in the Permian Basin who hav...

  • Donate Life 

    Donate Life


    Every year in April, we recognize individuals who give the gift of life through organ, tissue, and eye donation.   April is National Donate Life Month, and this year Midland Memorial Hospital will host its 3 rd Annual Donate ...


    68Nurse, Medical Advice for the Community


    68Nurse has been serving  the Permian Basin  community for over 11 years.  If you have ever utilized the nurse hotline, you are aware of just how valuable this resource has been. 68Nurse is a free 24-hour call servi...