About Us
Midland Quality Alliance (MQA) is a medical care network designed to provide quality healthcare to Midland Health employees and beneficiaries. MQA is physician and provider led, and has the goal of providing high-quality, cost-efficient care, while enhancing patient and provider engagement and communication.
You -our patients- are MQA's top priority. Our mission is to improve the quality of health care for those contracted with Midland Quality Alliance. Our vision is to improve the health of people in the city of Midland and surrounding areas, by offering high quality health care, excellent service, and reducing the cost of health care delivery.
Our patients are always our top priority. This includes
engagement in care, quality of care, and safety. We strive to be
a good stewardship of resources—taking careful consideration
of healthcare, health systems, and consumer resources by
assuring efficient use of the healthcare resources. We also
strive to base process improvement upon measurable outcomes
and data, and make sure steps are taken to improve patient
care is performed in a way to assure the providers work
satisfaction is not compromised or enhanced. We will also utilize
information technology to enhance communication and sharing
of information between providers about patient care, and with
patients about their care.
By coordinating the care of MQA network participants, the goal is threefold:
- Improving the health of the populations
- Improving the patient and provider experience of care
- Reducing the per capita cost of health care