Hospital Stay

During your hospital stay you will be cared for by trained staff specializing in the care of elective total joint replacement and spine surgery patients. Your stay will take place on the 8th floor in the Total Joint & Spine Center, a 12-bed unit solely dedicated to the care of these patients.

A wellness approach will be taken while you are in the hospital.  Physical therapy for those having either their hip or knee replaced will begin the day of surgery.  For patients having shoulder replacement or spine surgery, physical and occupational therapy will evaluate you the following day.  **Please note that not all spine surgery patients may receive physical and or occupational therapy.  The need for this will be determined and ordered by your surgeon. 

The average hospital stays after having total hip, knee or shoulder replacement is 1 night.  Hospital stays for spine surgery vary from 1-4 days depending on the complexity of the procedure and other factors.  In some instances, total joint replacement or spine surgery patients may be done as a Same Day Surgery.  If you are a candidate for Same Day Surgery your surgeon will notify you ahead of time.

Same Day Surgery Criteria

The Total Joint & Spine Center has established some general criteria to be considered a candidate for Same Day Surgery.  Your surgeon will determine if this is the best decision for you based on your current overall health and past medical history.

  • Age less than 75
  • Must live less than an hour away from Midland Memorial Hospital
  • If you live more than an hour away, you must stay in Midland at a hotel overnight
  • You must be able to tolerate food, fluids and oral pain medications with minimal nausea
  • You must be able to urinate adequately
  • Your dressings must be clean, dry and intact or with minimal drainage
  • Your vital signs must be back to pre-surgery levels
  • You must be awake and oriented
  • Hip, Knee or Shoulder replacement patients must complete one full session of Physical/Occupational Therapy prior to discharge
  • Spine patients must complete Physical and or Occupational Therapy if it is ordered
  • You MUST have a reliable caregiver who can stay with you for the 1st 24-48 hours