
Midland Health Planning & Marketing 
(432) 221-1185


Disaster Drill Planned in Midland

Posted On: 5/4/2016

On Thursday, May 5, Midland Memorial Hospital, as well as several local partners, will conduct a disaster drill off of I-20. Multiple people, role-playing injured patients, may be visible to local eye-witnesses.

1500 W. Interstate 20
Midland, TX 79701
**Designated media area

Setup begins at 11:45 a.m.
Drill begins at 1:30 p.m. and plans to finish by 4:30 p.m.

Midland Memorial Hospital, Medical Center Hospital, Midland Fire Department, Ector County Medical Examiner Office, Office of Emergency Management, DPS, EMS, ConocoPhillips, AeroCare, AmBus of Lubbock, EMTF (Emergency Medical Task Force), EZ Rider and the Petroleum Museum will all partake in this three-phase, mass fatality disaster drill.

EMTF will also be bringing an AmBus, a full-size ambulance/bus, which can carry up to 24 hospitalized patients. Please notify your viewers to not be startled by the increase in activity on I-20 near the Petroleum Museum during this drill.

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