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Phone Directory

The following is a list of frequently requested telephone numbers. If you can't find what you are looking for, please call Midland Memorial Hospital's main switchboard at (432) 221-1111.

For patient names and room numbers, please contact the main switchboard for further assistance.

Department Phone Number
221-DOCS and Scheduling (432) 221-2300
68NURSE (855) 686-8773
Admitting/Patient Access (432) 221-1525
Allison Cancer Center (Texas Oncology) (432) 687-1949
Bariatric Services (Weigh to Success) (432) 221-2970
Breast Center (previously Allison Women's Imaging) (432) 221-3040
Business Office (432) 221-1522
Business Office (Financial Eligibility) (432) 221-5257
Business Office (Pricing/Insurance Questions) (432) 221-4083
Cafeteria (The Market) (432) 221-1085
Cardiology (432) 221-1623
Chaplaincy (432) 221-1566
Childbirth Education (432) 221-3283
Community Garden (432) 221-1185
Corporate Compliance (432) 221-1543
Critical Care (432) 221-1672
Diagnostic Imaging (DIA) Craddick MOB (432) 221-4672
Diagnostic Imaging (DIA) Legends Park (432) 221-3930
Diagnostic Imaging (DIA) West Campus (432) 221-3060
Emergency Department (432) 221-1558
Endoscopy (432) 221-1811
Food Services (432) 221-1931
General Information (432) 221-1111
Gift Shop (432) 221-4418
Heart Institute (432) 221-2541
Hope Chest (432) 221-1150
Human Resources (432) 221-4682
Inpatient Meal Ordering (432) 221-3663
Labor & Delivery (432) 221-3260
Laboratory (432) 221-1632
Lactation Services (432) 221-2160
Lifestyle Medicine Center (432) 221-5433
Main Line (432) 221-1111
Main Line (Toll Free) (800) 833-2916
Marketing & Public Relations (432) 221-4510
MCHS Women’s Health Services (432) 681-3100
Medical Records (432) 221-1600
Midland Memorial Foundation (432) 221-1569
Mother-Baby (432) 221-3279
MRI (432) 221-4911
Neurology (432) 221-1686
Nursery (432) 221-3266
Nursing Hotline (Non-Emergency) (432) 221-3539
Oncology (432) 221-1693
Orthopedics (432) 221-1686
Outpatient Treatment Center (432) 221-3900
Patient Hotline/Patient Advocates (432) 221-2273
Pediatrics (432) 221-3355
Pharmacy (Inpatient) (432) 221-1548
Pharmacy (Outpatient) (432) 221-4070
Police & Security (432) 221-3848
Post Surgery (432) 221-1660
Radiology (432) 221-1580
Rehabilitation (Inpatient) (432) 221-1606
Rehabilitation (Outpatient-West Texas Therapy) (432) 221-4915
Same Day Surgery (432) 221-1670
Scheduling (432) 221-3627
Social Services (432) 221-5204
Surgery (432) 221-1616
Testing Center (432) 221-2100
Total Joint Center (432) 221-2401
Trauma Services (432) 221-1684
Valet Parking (432) 221-8000
Volunteer Services (432) 221-1542
Women’s and Children’s Services (432) 221-3355
Wound Management Center (432) 221-4850
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