Public Information Request

Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code, also known as the Public Information Act (PIA), gives the public the right to access certain government records. The PIA also establishes procedures that governmental bodies must follow when responding to open records requests.

Public Information Act Handbook 2024


If you would like to request records related to MMH’s operations under the Public Information Act, please do the following:

  • Describe the documents, records, or data you are requesting and include enough description and detail about the information to enable MMH to accurately identify and locate the requested information. Include date ranges if possible.
  • Submit the request in writing via email to:

PLEASE NOTE: Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the information. If your request is unclear or additional information is needed, we will work with you to clarify and obtain additional details about the information you are requesting. Medical records cannot be released through an open records request using this email address. Please visit Medical Records page or Patient Portal page to submit a medical records request. 

Medical Records Patient Portal

Midland Memorial Hospital limits the unreasonable expenditure of time and resources in responding to a Public Information Request pursuant to the Texas Administrative Code Section § 552.275.


Midland Memorial Hospital follows § 70.3. Charges for Providing Copies of Public Information found in the Texas Administrative Code, Title 1, Chapter 70 and as noted below.

Estimated Fees for records retrieval in accordance with the Public Information Act are:

  • Labor Cost: $15.00 per hour
  • Computer Programming Time: $28.50 per hour
  • Overhead at 25% of the Labor Costs: $3.75 per hour
  • CD Fee: $1.00 each
  • DVD Fee: $3.00 each
  • Thumb drive/Jump Drive/External Hard Drive: actual cost
  • Per Page: $0.10 each
  • Oversized page: $0.50 each

Postage charges will apply. A written itemized statement will be provided for any requests that exceed $40.00. An updated statement will be provided if the actual charges exceed the agreed upon charges by more than 20%.

Our goal is to handle your request as accurately and efficiently as possible in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Texas Government Code. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the MMH Public Relations Department at 432-221-1111.

Warrants/Subpoenas Attention Texas Peace Officers: When serving a subpoena or warrant at Midland Health, please contact the Midland County Hospital District Police Department (MCHD PD) or present to the front desk at the Main Entrance, preferably between the hours of 8am – 5pm Monday through Friday. This will ensure that the subpoena is served appropriately, and the items or specimens of the warrant are obtained with proper chain of custody. For any questions, please call MCHD PD at (432) 221-1986 or the Office of Legal and Regulatory Affairs at (432) 221-1475.

Please note that specimens are typically disposed of after 7 days. For questions or to request a longer retention period of a particular specimen, please contact the MCHD PD. The request will be recorded and documented, but no information can or will be confirmed or denied via the phone or email due to our HIPAA Privacy Policy.

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