Drug Take-Back Receptacle Installed at MMH
Posted On: 10/8/2018

Midland Memorial Hospital recently installed a consumer drug take-back receptacle for easy and safe disposal of leftover, unused or expired prescription and over-the-counter medications.
Did you know that unwanted over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs contaminate waterways and potentially local drinking water when flushed, put down the drain, or placed in the trash? Drugs in the home can be even more dangerous, as they can find their way into the hands of children or potential addicts. Overall, 22,000 people die each year from misuse of prescription drugs.
We want to be a part of the solution, which is why Midland Memorial Hospital has implemented a drug take-back program. Safely dispose of your unwanted and expired medications the right way by looking for the green drug take-back receptacle inside the Red Emergency Entrance, next to the Security window.
This is a free service and drop-off is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Safely dispose of unwanted, unused or expired medications. We CANNOT accept inhalers and other aerosols, creams or ointments, needles or sharps, or liquids.