
Midland Health Planning & Marketing 
(432) 221-1185


Local Students Collect Toys for Children with Medical Needs

Posted On: 12/5/2013

Midland Memorial Hospital’s Pediatric Unit houses Janet’s Closet, a program bringing smiles to many children’s faces. Janet’s Closet is a designated area with new toys for children who have to come to the hospital for medical needs. When a child goes through a painful procedure, they have the chance to go to the closet to pick out a toy as theirs to keep. Janet’s Closet helps bring cheer to children who face difficult and often painful experiences while in the hospital. At this time, the Lady Warrior students from Matthew’s Martial Arts in Midland are collecting toys to donate to Janet’s Closet and plan to deliver the toys to Midland Memorial Hospital on Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 1:00 p.m.  

If you would like to donate to Janet’s Closet, please know toys should be no more than $20 each and should be in original packaging. We ask stuffed animals not be included due to the fact that they cannot be cleaned.  

Tribute to Janet Ward
Janet’s Closet is named after Janet Ward, a Registered Nurse who worked in the hospital’s Pediatric Unit for 23 years, until her passing in November 2004. She spent her career and life making a difference through the care she provided for her patients and their families. One of her goals during her tenure in Pediatrics was to be a role model for others in attitude and performance. Having been an early survivor of Hodgkin’s disease at 17, Janet understood how it felt to be on both sides, as a patient and a nurse. Some of Janet’s many involvements included the Midland Chapter of the American Cancer Society and as a sustaining member of the Junior League of Midland. Janet’s positive attitude was contagious and her dedication to Pediatrics made her respected by her patients and peers at Midland Memorial Hospital.

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