The Women's and Children's Services department is committed to assisting you and your family through this exciting and memorable time in your lives. Our staff provides you with the most personal care before, during and after your hospital stay.
Preparing for Delivery
Take a virtual tour of our Labor and Delivery Department at Midland Memorial Hospital.
Labor & Delivery
You and your family are experiencing a very special time with the approaching birth of your baby. The staff at Midland Memorial Hospital wants to be a part of this important event in your life. Our staff is dedicated to helping you prepare for the physical, emotional, social, and financial changes that you face.
The Labor & Delivery unit has state-of-the-art monitoring capabilities. It consists of 10 private, spacious labor/delivery/recovery suites, a three-bed recovery room and two cesarean section suites. These suites are designed to provide you and your family with a positive and memorable birth experience. The home-like atmosphere is enhanced by hardwood floors, comfortable sofa and chairs, private bath, television and mother's bed, which converts to a birthing bed.
Anesthesia staff members specializing in labor and delivery are available 24 hours a day. 
You are encouraged to bring any materials to help enhance your birth experience such as a birthing ball, aromatherapy, relaxation and massage techniques, as well as music.
The Labor & Delivery unit also wants to provide privacy and support during times of sorrow with our bereavement program. If you are planning to deliver your baby at Midland Memorial Hospital, you will need to pre-register at the hospital's front desk, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sign up for an in-person tour of our Labor and Delivery Unit
We can't plan all situations and sometimes pregnancy complications occur that requires monitoring of mother and baby. Bedrest is often needed to protect both mom and baby, which we all know can be a struggle. Midland Memorial Hospital's Antepartum Unit provides a comfortable, supportive place for needed rest and care. Our goal is to provide specialized care that results in the healthiest pregnancy and birth possible. We have 10 private rooms equipped with hardwood floors, private bath, mother's bed, and a television in each room.
Both mom and baby are monitored by a specialist in maternal-fetal medicine as well as other members of your care team:
- Caring Nurses trained in antepartum care
- Nutritionist
- Social Workers
Our staff supports and practices couplet care. This means the mother and baby remain together as a pair and are cared for by one nurse while in the hospital. You and baby will be admitted to the Mother-Baby Unit approximately two hours after birth. Couplet care will help to empower you to guide the care of your baby and promote stronger family-bonding and attachment. You will spend as much time together as possible, allowing you to learn about your baby's sleeping and feeding habits. Breastfeeding is supported in Mother Baby with trained RN's there to help on all shifts. This prepares you to go home with confidence to care for your baby. Before your baby is discharged, a routine hearing screening will be conducted. There is also a routine newborn screening performed to detect genetic disorders while you are in the hospital. A second screening is required after discharge. Top 5 things parents should know about couplet care:
- Baby stays with the mother in her room
- Couplet Care promotes family bonding
- Improves breastfeeding success
- Personalized care provides a better education for parents to go home with confidence
The Mother-Baby Unit includes 30 private rooms equipped with a bathroom, shower, television and telephone. If you are breastfeeding, you may visit with one of the lactation consultants to learn more about the nursing process.
Neonatal Intensive Care
Midland Memorial Hospital has made several advancements of care for infants. Designated as a Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), we have a brand new 18 bed unit with a combination of private rooms and 3 pods with 4 neonatal beds per pod. The bright unit with blue accented walls welcomes families in to see their babies. This healing environment is just what our babies need as they grow and adapt to the world around them.
On-site pharmacy, respiratory therapist and state-of-the-art milk prep space with high-tech dishwashers and sterilizers to meet nutritional needs.
A neonatologist is available 24/7 to provide care for premature infants with state-of-the-art equipment to meet specialized care needs.
Click Here to Learn More
Childbirth Education
We are here from the beginning, offering childbirth education classes designed to educate parents about the labor and delivery process, breastfeeding, how to care for themselves and their newborn, as well as preparing siblings for becoming big brothers and sisters.
Childbirth Education Classes
Online Video Resources
Advanced Childbirth Education Classes
Midland Memorial Hospital is now happy to provide advanced online childbirth and parenting preparation classes that you can take conveniently from home. Our eClasses are perfect for parents who need a more flexible schedule, on bed rest and/or parents who prefer online learning. Choose from three classes: Understanding Birth, Understanding Breastfeeding and Understanding your Newborn. For more information on the classes click on the link below. Interested in signing up for a class? Fill out the form and someone will reach out to you. These advanced classes are also available in Spanish.
Midland Memorial Hospital esta gozoso de proveer clases avanzadas preparativas por lÃnea de parto y paternidad que usted puede tomarlas convenientemente de su hogar. Nuestras 'eClasses' son perfectas para los padres quienes tienen un calendario más flexible, que están en reposo en cama y/o los padres quienes prefieren aprender en lÃnea. Escoja de las tres clases: Entendiendo el Parto, Entendiendo la Lactancia y Entendiendo a su Recién Nacido. Para más información de estas clases, haga clic en el enlace abajo. ¿Esta interesada en inscribirse en una clase? Llene la forma y alguien se pondrá en contacto con usted.
Childbirth Education Flyer
Folleto de Clases En LÃnea
The Pediatric Unit is located on the sixth floor of Midland Memorial Hospital. The beautifully decorated unit consists of 12 beds. Two of these rooms have full hemodynamic (blood flow) and cardiac monitoring capability. The pediatric unit is fully staffed with experienced nurses that have been trained to care for children of all ages and trained in pediatric advanced life support (PALS). We have multiple nurses certified in chemotherapy and biotherapy. The unit also consists of a playroom for children to use while being hospitalized as well as Janet's Closet, a special place for children who have had a traumatic experience or procedure to pick out something special. Parent support is very important for any child hospitalized and we encourage parents to stay and help care for their child.
Lactation Services
Our lactation (breastfeeding) program supports the nutritional needs of future generations and is the only one of its kind in west Texas. Full time licensed nurses with years of experience are available to work with our new moms and give them the encouragement and support needed for successful breastfeeding.
Attending a childbirth education class before your baby is born will help you understand breastfeeding and may prevent difficulties down the road.
Physicians, nurses, or others may refer patients to our lactation department. We work closely with these health professionals coordinating efforts to assure both mother's and baby's well being. If you are breastfeeding, you may visit with one of the lactation consultants to learn more about the nursing process.
Contact Information
Labor & Delivery
(432) 221-3260
(432) 221-3279
(432) 221-3207
Childbirth Education
(432) 221-3283
(432) 221-3355
Lactation Services
(432) 221-2160