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ENT & Allergies

ENT and Allergy of West Texas specializes in common illnesses such as ear and tonsil disease, to allergy and sinus disease, acute and chronic ear disease, disorders of the throat and voice, and diagnosis and management of head and neck cancers. Our providers will see both pediatric and adult patients.

Pediatric Services

  • Medical and surgical management of recurrent ear infections and chronic ear effusions
  • Hearing loss
  • Medical and surgical management of recurrent and chronic tonsillitis and adenoiditis
  • Inhalant allergies diagnosis and medical treatment including allergy shots or drops

Adult Services

  • Acute and chronic ear disease
  • Hearing loss and tinnitus
  • Balance disorders
  • Inhalant allergies diagnosis and medical treatment including allergy shots or drops
  • Acute and chronic sinus disease
  • Nasal obstruction and smell disorders
  • Throat, voice, and swallowing disorders
  • Reflux associated laryngopharyngitis
  • Diagnosis and management of head and neck masses
  • Surgical treatment of ear, nose, and throat disorders

Name Location Hours of Operation Contact
ENT & Allergy of West Texas Located at the F. Marie Hall Outpatient Center - West Campus
4214 Andrews Hwy, Suite 103
Midland, Texas 79703
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.
(432) 221-1301
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