Alzheimer’s Disease: Pathway to Hope
Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia, and the risk is real, one in three seniors die with a form of dementia. The National Institutes of Health has spent billions of dollars on Alzheimer's research already. Let’s face reality; when it comes to stopping or reversing Alzheimer's disease, the current success rate is zero. Some experts believe the focus on developing a cure in the form of a single drug is wrong. Alzheimer’s is a complex chronic disease of aging, and a single agent may not be adequate. Also, the focus on targeting Amyloid and Tau may not be enough because, by the time amyloid and tau get accumulated in the brain, hundreds of thousands of neurons have already died, which means it may be too late to improve symptoms. Also, amyloid doesn’t explain the whole story; not everyone with amyloid plaques in the brain has the disease.
But when it comes to our cognitive health, we have more control over it than we think. Recent studies suggest that if we adopt healthier lifestyles early in our life, we may be able to prevent dementia, as much as 35% of dementia cases can be prevented if people take steps now to live a healthier lifestyle.
“While it may be easier to blame a devastating disease like Alzheimer's on a single gene, this false belief is killing millions. The truth is much harder to accept- that we are bringing Alzheimer's disease into our households through the choices we make every day.”
Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai-scientists, neurologists and researchers
What we know for sure:
Lifestyle, not genetics, is the largest indicator of risk when it comes to Alzheimer’s and there is compelling data that Alzheimer’s is deeply influenced by simple lifestyle choices that we make in our lives every day.
1. Diet: Diets rich in plant foods and minimal animal fats, like the Mediterranean diet, have been associated with slower cognitive decline and lower risk of Alzheimer’s. The protective ingredients appeared to be the diet’s high vegetable content and a lower ratio of saturated to unsaturated fats.
In Harvard Women’s health study, higher saturated fat intake (sourced predominantly from dairy, meat and processed foods) was associated with significantly worse trajectory of cognition and memory. Women with the highest saturated fat intake had a 60-70% greater chance of cognitive deterioration over time. Women with lowest saturated fat intake had the brain function, on average, of women six years younger.
Antioxidant properties of berries and dark green leafy vegetables make them the brain foods of the fruit and vegetable kingdom. In addition, studies have shown benefits of turmeric and saffron as well.
Animal studies have shown that Alzheimer’s is a disease of old carnivores (animals that feed on flesh) whereas old herbivores (animals that feed on plants) do not get Alzheimer’s disease. Considering that it takes decades to develop this disease, it’s never too early to start eating healthier.
Remember, what is good for your heart is also good for your brain.
2. Exercise: There have been many studies and trials to prove that exercise lowers risk for Alzheimer’s disease. In 2010, a study published in the Archives of Neurology, a group of people with mild cognitive impairment put them on aerobic exercise for 40-60 minutes a day, four days a week for 6 months. The control group was instructed to simply stretch for the time periods. Results showed that in the control group cognition function continued to decline. But the exercising group not only didn’t get worse, they got better. They got more answers correct after six months, indicating their memory had improved.
Subsequent studies using MRI scan found that aerobic exercise can actually reverse age- related shrinkage in the memory centers of the brain. No such effect was found in the stretching and toning groups or a nonaerobic strength training group. Aerobic exercise can help improve cerebral flow, improve memory performance, and help preserve brain tissue.
3. Sleep:: Studies have shown that in a deep sleep, amyloid production is turned off. Deep sleep also helps to consolidate short-term memories into long-term memories, and it's when the brain sort of “cleans” itself. To get into a deep sleep, you have to sleep for enough time- more than just four to five hours.
4. Reduce stress:: Managing your day-to-day stress better is good for the entire body, especially the brain. Stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, and visualization could help you manage your stress better.
5. Social Interaction : Studies suggest that loneliness can lead to additional stress and may be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. Prioritize social engagement and stay in touch with family members and friends.
6. Learn New Things : Not only physical exercise but mental exercise is just as important in preventing and delaying the onset of cognitive decline. Learning new skills can build new nerve connections that maintain optimal brain health. Experts say, it is more than just a crossword puzzle, try adopting a new hobby, learning a new language, or playing a new musical instrument.
To learn more about how you could lower your risk of developing this progressive disease or how you could help a family member fight this deadly disease, come to Alzheimer’s Association’s Annual Education Conference: “Healthy Living: Pathway to Hope” on April 26, 2023, at the Midland College - Carrasco Room from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Pre-registration is encouraged, Register Here:
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